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Reference > CSS parsing issues

Parsing issues independent of CSS specification

Missing end of comment
A CSS comment was found, but the end of the comment was missing.
The closing quote is missing
An opening quote was found, but the matching end quote was missing. Outside of strings, quotes must always appear in matching pairs, and any single quotes must be escaped using '\'.
Closing brace '}' is missing
The start of a block '{' was found, but the matching end brace '}' was missing.
Mismatched pairs of '()', or '[]' found
Outside of strings, you must have matching pairs of parentheses '()' and square brackets '[]'. This error is normally displayed when there is a missing parenthesis or bracket, or an additional one has been entered by mistake, or an extra one has been deliberately added but hasn't been properly escaped using '\'.
An incomplete at-rule has been detected
The start of an at-rule was found, but the rest of the rule appears to be missing.
A block was expected but was not found
A block was expected, but the opening brace '{' at the start of the block could not be found.
A selector was expected but could not be found
A selector appears to be missing. This may be caused by the complete absence of any selector, or in a complex selector one of the simple selectors is missing. This may be due to a simple error such as having an extra comma.
The block appears to have ended prematurely
The closing brace '}' of a block appears before the end of the declaration.
The property name is missing
A property name was expected but could not be found.
Incomplete declaration
The declaration appears to be incomplete. Either no property name or no values were found.
The semi-colon is missing from the end of the at-rule
at-rules should either have a block or a statement ending with a semi-colon, and neither could be found.
The identifier includes a character which is not allowed
There are restrictions on what characters are allowed here. See CSS Level 3 ident-token definition.
The the escape character '\' is not allowed at the end of an identifier
There are restrictions on what characters are allowed here. See CSS Level 3 ident-token definition.
Two dashes '--' are not allowed here
There are restrictions on what characters are allowed here. See CSS Level 3 ident-token definition.
A single dash '-' is not allowed at this place
There are restrictions on what characters are allowed here. See CSS Level 3 ident-token definition.
A dash followed by a number is not allowed here
There are restrictions on what characters are allowed here. See CSS Level 3 ident-token definition.
The selector cannot consist solely of, or end with, any of the characters: ':#.|'
These characters are special and can only be used in certain places in the selector. See Selectors Grammar.

Reference > CSS non-conformance

Issues due to non-conformance with the chosen CSS specification

Unrecognised at-rule
The at-rule is not recognised as valid for the selected CSS Level.
The @charset rule is not allowed here
The @charset rule can only be used in a separate CSS document and not in HTML documents.
The @charset rule must be the first line in the document
The exact 10 characters @charset " must be the first thing in the document. Anything, even white space, prior to this will trigger this error. See @charset.
Unrecognised character set
The character set specified is not recognised. This may be because it is misspelt.
The @import rule does not precede all other rules
Any @import rules must precede all other rules, except the @charset rule. See @import.
The at-rule is incorrectly formatted
The at-rule does not follow the standard definition. LINK TO STANDARD.
Invalid URI
It is an invalid URI, most likely containing invalid characters such as spaces. See RFC 3986.
This item is not allowed here
An at-rule, property or other item was used, which is not allowed in this context. LINK TO STANDARD.
The at-rule AT_RULE is not allowed here
An at-rule was used, which is not allowed in this context. See the link to the standard for what is allowed. LINK TO STANDARD.
The property PROPERTY NAME is not allowed here
A property was used, which is not allowed in this context. LINK TO STANDARD.
Invalid page pseudo-class
The @page rule can only be used with specific pseudo-classes. LINK TO STANDARD.
Missing page selector
A page selector was expected but appears to be missing. This can be caused by an extra comma in the list of page selectors. LINK TO STANDARD.
Invalid identifier in page selector
The identifier used in the page selector includes a character which is not allowed. See CSS Level 3 ident-token definition. LINK TO STANDARD.
Missing font family
With the @font-feature-values rule, one or more font family names should be provided.
One or more of the listed font families is badly formatted
One or more of the font family names listed do not meet the requirements of the specification. LINK TO STANDARD.
Missing feature value list
With font variant value definitions, a list of feature values must be provided.
Invalid feature value list
The list of feature values does not meet the requirements of the specification.
One or more required font descriptors are missing
The @font-face at-rule must have both a font-family and a src descriptor. LINK TO STANDARD.
The @namespace rule does not precede all other rules
Any @namespace rules must precede all other rules, except the @charset and @import rules. See @namespace.
The namespace NAMESPACE has not been not declared
A @namespace rule declaring the namespace used in the selector was not found.
A counter-style system descriptor is required
The @counter-style at-rule must have a system descriptor. LINK TO STANDARD.
The counter-style name has an invalid name
The @counter-style at-rule cannot have any of these names: disc, decimal, default, unset, inherit, initial, revert or none. LINK TO STANDARD.
The @charset rule is badly-formed
@charset must be written literally; the 10 characters @charset " (lowercase, no backslash escapes), followed by the encoding name, and ending with "; See @charset.
Missing or invalid palette name
With the @font-palette-values at-rule, a valid author-defined palette name must be provided. LINK TO STANDARD.
A font-family descriptor is required
The @font-palette-values at-rule must have a font-family descriptor. LINK TO STANDARD.
Pseudo-elements can only appear at the end of a selector
Pseudo-elements may only be appended after the last simple selector of the selector. See Pseudo-Elements.
Unrecognised pseudo-element or pseudo-class
Each CSS standard allows different pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes to be used, and one used here does not match the list of allowed pseudo-elements/pseudo-classes for this CSS Level.
A media type is missing
A media type was expected but appears to be missing. This can be caused by an extra comma in a list of media types.
The media type MEDIA TYPE was not recognised
Each CSS Level allows different media types to be used, and the type used here does not match the list of allowed types for this CSS Level. LINK TO STANDARD.
The media query contains a parsing error
The media query could not be parsed properly. This is typically caused by a colon ':', or range character '>', '<', '=' missing or in the wrong place.
Unrecognised media feature: MEDIA FEATURE
The media feature name is not recognised for the selected CSS Level. LINK TO STANDARD.
The value used is invalid for this media feature, because the value does not follow the allowed rules for this feature. A list of valid rules will be displayed for the feature.
The to and from keywords must appear only once
The to and from keywords must appear only once in a keyframe selector. See @keyframes.
Invalid percentage found in keyframe selector
Percentages must end with the '%' character and the value must be between 0% and 100%. See @keyframes.
Invalid identifier found in keyframe selector
The identifier used in the keyframe selector includes a character which is not allowed. See CSS Level 3 ident-token definition. LINK TO STANDARD.
Unrecognised property: PROPERTY NAME
The property name is not recognised for the selected CSS Level.
Check the value against the list of valid rules from the official standard. LINK TO STANDARD.
The !important keyword is not allowed here
The !important keyword is only allowed in property values and not in declaration values.
A vendor extension has been used
Authors should avoid using vendor extensions where possible. See Vendor-specific extensions.
This item is experimental and has been ignored: ITEM
Because this item is so new, it's definition has not yet been agreed upon, and so it has not been tested. Experimental items should be avoided as few browsers may support them, and their definition may change at any time.
The media type MEDIA TYPE is deprecated
This media type has been deprecated and so should no longer be used. Authors must not use these media types; instead, it is recommended that they select appropriate media features that better represent the aspect of the device that they are attempting to style against. LINK TO STANDARD.
The media feature MEDIA FEATURE is deprecate
This media feature has been deprecated and so should no longer be used. Authors must not use these media features; instead, it is recommended that they select alternative media features as detailed in the link to the specification. LINK TO STANDARD.