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Total Validator CI

Total Validator CI runs on Windows (7-11), macOS (Sierra-Sonoma), and most recent versions of Linux and UNIX.

To access all the features of Total Validator, such as Document Object Model (DOM) testing for javascripted sites, you should install our browser extensions as well.

Please note that we do not provide downloads for older releases as these are unsupported. We advise that you keep a backup of the installation or a copy of the download, in case you need to reinstall it.


When upgrading, you can overwrite the existing install. But first ensure that you backup the activation.key and any files you may have changed, such as TotalValidatorCI.bat or TotalValidatorCI.sh.



To install, run the .exe file you downloaded, overwriting any previous installation. Uninstall from the Windows control panel as normal. To run, use TotalValidatorCI.bat.


To install, copy the .tar.gz file you downloaded into the directory of your choice and run the following command to create the TotalValidatorCI directory that contains the application:

# tar xvfz TotalValidatorCI*.tar.gz

Use TotalValidatorCI.sh to run Total Validator. To uninstall, delete the TotalValidatorCI directory.